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How we started.. in 2005, Matteo was born.Our story began with him: Salomé (Matteo's mother and doctor specialist in Early Childhood Developpement, formed in ateliers and courses in Reggio Emilia Approach, and Bruno Munari Method ) organised herself with a group of psychologist, pedagogues, artists, musicians and teachers a preschool in Rome, looking for a place absolutely special, unique, fantastic and magical... After, more kids came and grew with us...Gaia,Kiko, Arturo, Davide, Clara, Ludovico, Marta,Pietro, Viola, Laura, Eduardo...about 200 kids Bausettete ( means peek a boo) who are still on our heart. 

Here in SA, we knew a sweet and very special woman mother of two,Thando, who inmediately demostrate a lot of capacities for take care of the kids, creativity and learning aptitudes... then Thando went to Rome and Spain, did different courses, went to the university and did a strong formation in our she runs in Joburg our little special creche ( Minimé REI)  following egregiously our program and activities.

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